The Six Pillars of Wholeness: Alignment
Sep 03, 2021This is a written summary of my latest video. Rather watch it? You can find it here.
I’m a yoga teacher. My training is in hatha and yin yoga, and in hatha yoga, we focus A LOT on the alignment of our bodies. If our bodies are not in a position that is appropriate for us, we can be targeting a different area than we intended, or worse, we can get injured. It doesn’t matter how deep you can drop into a pose, if you’re doing it in a way that doesn’t really work for your body.
The same thing is true in life. If the actions we take, the relationships we have, or even the jobs we work don’t align with who we really are, we may get a different outcome than we intended, and we certainly won’t be living the life of our dreams.
This weekend, I was reminded just how much more aligned I am with my truth now than even one year ago. I left a 25-year corporate career at the end of 2020, and although that career was seen as very successful, I never quite fit in. Can you relate? I was the proverbial square peg. There was nothing wrong with either me or my career, but my career didn’t align with my truth. I’m here to follow my intuition, my gut instinct, in life. To help you remember who you are and why you're here, by showing you practices to help you access your inner wisdom. While that was possible a few times in corporate America, it didn’t happen often. This reminder came up during a virtual retreat that I attended to align my business with my truth. Before the retreat began, one of the coaches pulled a card for the group and for each participant. This is the card that was pulled for me.
“Jump In’. Say yes to change. Life bends for the courageous. Fall in love with surfing the waves. THIS is a painting I did years ago (well, to paintings) that represent my own rabbit hole (my entrance to Wonderland) as being part of and enclosed in the collective rabbit hole.
This weekend, I heard VERY clearly that while I talk about falling down the rabbit hole, my aligned truth is to encourage us all not to FALL down the rabbit hole but to JUMP in with our whole selves. That’s what Wonderland is all about. Jumping in, remembering who we are, and going all-in to discover and live our life purpose, our dharma. Wonderland requires alignment.
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All my life, no matter what change I’ve experienced, I’ve been able to use journaling to remember who I am, begin to understand what I can learn from this change, and how my experience can help other people going through something similar. Get my free prompts, “Journaling for Answers,” and start finding your own answers within.
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