Five Signs that Wonderland is Calling

spirituality Aug 06, 2021

This is a summary of my latest video.  If you’d rather watch that, you can do it here.

Are you living in your own hell or your own Wonderland?  I’d like to invite you to create your own Wonderland, like I’m doing (yes, it’s a work in progress!).  But, before you can do that, you need to know what Wonderland is.  Think of it as your most magical life.  It’s living life exactly as you are, in exactly the way your true self wants to live.

Are you not sure who you are and why you’re here?  There is an entry point (that awfully beautiful rabbit hole, just like Alice) to Wonderland and then three phases on your adventures once you get there.  The transitions between those phases may leave you feeling betwixt & between, and that is absolutely normal.  We don’t learn how to deal with these transitions as we’re growing up, so it can be difficult to face them as adults. 

What brought you to Wonderland?  What’s the purpose of the journey?Maybe you KNOW you have your own answers within, but you just can’t seem to be still enough to hear them.  If this sounds like you, jump down that rabbit hole entry point and join us in the Power in Stillness private Facebook group to discover practices to help you get present, get still and silent, and acknowledge your feelings without judgment, so you can access those answers.

 Maybe you have a practice or two to help you become present to the here and now, you already have a favorite way to move into stillness, and you know that your feelings aren’t right or wrong.  They just are.  If so, do you know how to access your inner wisdom?  Are you receptive to what your intuition is trying to tell you?  Do you remember who YOU really are, without the external expectations you’ve lived with throughout this physical life?  

If these questions make you curious to remember, join us at an in-person or virtual Lost in Wonderland weekend retreat, and get those questions answered.  This is where you will remember who you are, identify the one thing you most want to change about your life, and find out exactly how you can receive the answers your intuition can provide.  You may even leave with a plan to change that one thing:).  This is an opportunity to prioritize caring for yourself and being true to who you really are, so you can better serve your loved ones, your community, and the world.  You may arrive feeling Lost in Wonderland, but you’ll leave knowing exactly where you are right now on your journey.  You can see more here.

All my life, no matter what change I’ve experienced, I’ve been able to use journaling to remember who I am, begin to understand what I can learn from this change, and how my experience can help other people going through something similar.  Get my free prompts, “Journaling for Answers,” and start finding your own answers within.

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